Ami's IH San Diego Experience July 31 - August 18th
When I came to school for the first day, I was nervous. But my classmates who are from Russia, Brazil, ltaly and other countries were very friendly and kind! For example a classmate said me “Your grammar is good! So you can have brave to speak English more!” Also if I can’t solve a question, teachers teach me politely! And I really appreciate to my host mother especially when I went to school at the first time, she was worried about me to attend class. Even she was calling to school in order to confirm whether I could go or not. On the weekend she took me to the Costco to buy a lot of nuts. 留学は行きたいと思ったときに、いけるうちにいったほうが絶対にいい ! If you have the idea that you'd like study abroad, it is absolutely best to do it while you have the opportunity!