Miho's time at IH San Diego!
Two week language study 日本語は以下 At IH San Diego, you can join a class that matches your English ability. My English isn’t great, so I was a bit worried about this. But, once I realized that if I told the teacher about the things I didn’t understand, they explained everything very clearly and carefully so it was easy to understand. In class, we would usually practice communication with our teacher and classmates, watch videos, go outside and interview people, and various other things that made class fun and interesting. My classmates were from many different countries, so I was able to learn about cultures from around the world. I was able to use my time not only to learn English, but to learn about cultures around the world. In the afternoons, I would mostly join the activities that were going on at school. There are many different activities planned for the afternoon that were really fun. I was able to do things that I wouldn’t have been able to do just as a tourist, ...