Miho's time at IH San Diego!

Two week language study  日本語は以下

At IH San Diego, you can join a class that matches your English ability. My English isn’t great, so I was a bit worried about this. But, once I realized that if I told the teacher about the things I didn’t understand, they explained everything very clearly and carefully so it was easy to understand. In class, we would usually practice communication with our teacher and classmates, watch videos, go outside and interview people, and various other things that made class fun and interesting.

My classmates were from many different countries, so I was able to learn about cultures from around the world. I was able to use my time not only to learn English, but to learn about cultures around the world.

In the afternoons, I would mostly join the activities that were going on at school. There are many different activities planned for the afternoon that were really fun. I was able to do things that I wouldn’t have been able to do just as a tourist, and feel like I got the chance to really feel the magic of San Diego. You can do things like go to Disneyland and Petco Park, as well as lots of other fun things.

During the time that I was at IH San Diego, there was a large group of Taiwanese students that I was able to become close with. My homestay was the same as two of the Taiwanese students, so I was able to talk with them a lot. By participating in the activities, I was able to make a lot of friends. In the beginning, just using simple English is fine, so I think it is important to just try to communicate at all.


I was with my homestay family for only two weeks, but they were very nice, and I was able to have a lot of fun together with them. I did things like go to the supermarket with them, and go to see a movie with them. I’m sure there are many different kinds of families, but being able to spend life together with my family gave me a sense of what American life is really like. They would often make me different kinds of food, and if I told them how much I liked something, they would make it for me over and over again. They even attempted to make me some Miso soup, but I slightly regret not being able to show them how to make it the real way.

At school and at my homestay, by chatting in English, I became used to listening to English, and became able to speak English more effectively. First studying, then using that study in real life situations is most important.

By studying abroad, I was able not only to learn English, but learn about different cultures. It was a really fulfilling two weeks. I didn’t have the confidence to study abroad for a long period of time, so I decided not to, but I found San Diego to be a really good city, and my school was lots of fun as well, so I wish I could have stayed longer.




午後は、ほぼ毎日学校のアクティビティに参加しました。多様のアクティビティを考えてくださるので、とても楽しかったです。観光に来ただけでは知ることのできない、サンディエゴの魅力についても知るきっかけになりました。California DisneyやPetco parkなどたくさん楽しむことができます。






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